Diagnostic polyclinic center Konzilijum
Polyclinic Konzilijum is a place where our patients are provided with a complete internal examination in combination with modern diagnostic examinations. The idea behind our work is to provide the patient with a complete service in one place. After the necessary scanning with the most modern devices in the field of medicine, a team of top experts is here to help effectively solve the health problems of our patients.

We use radiological diagnostic methods (CT, MRI and US)
It is very important that all three mentioned radiological diagnostic methods (CT, MRI and US) exist in one place, because it is very often necessary to work with one and one of the other two complementary methods, as a type of supplement or comparison, thus significantly increasing accuracy and obtaining a better and more accurate radiological diagnosis. Our professional team of doctors and friendly medical staff are here to respond to the needs of our patients and provide them with the best and highest quality service.

Konzilijum is a team in the service of your health
The polyclinic was founded to apply modern diagnostic procedures. Ultrasound, CT, MRI devices have been put in place, whose usage requires a high level of technical and medical expertise from all associates in the work process. Application of all diagnostic procedures, as well as the performance of various internal and specialist examinations provides our patients with a service according to the highest medical standards. In the diagnostic radiological part, there is a modern multislice CT device (128 slice) and a modern magnetic resonance (1.5 Tesla), as well as a modern ultrasound device (with the addition of contrast imaging and B-flow). The capabilities of our MSCT and MRI apparatus are at the highest level in terms of current supply in Montenegro.